Thursday, December 27, 2007

Some Props

I've been continuing to work on the lab scene. Slowly but surely it's moving along. Here's a couple images of some of the high poly props I've been doing.

They are not uber detailed (and not supposed to be). Most of them are in the background, and not close to the camera. So I am doing mostly silhouette and bigger detail on the high poly models, then doing the rest in photoshop/crazybump. I'm trying to get this scene done asap because there are other things I want to move on to, but want to finish this first. Anyway, here they are. Nothing spectacular, but something to look at as I update the scene. Hopefully will have an actual scene update in the next week or so.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Scientist Lab (Art Challenge)

I am currently working on an art challenge that's going on over at Manning's forum ( ). I finished out the rough model last night, so I thought I would post how it's coming along. Will also update the blog with WIPs hopefully once a week or so.

The web design has slowed down a lot. I have a base tempelate up, but still need to iron out a lot of little things. I am hoping to get that up over Christmas break and have it full steam ahead. I also hope that I can finish the lab scene during that time as well. Going to be a busy Christmas break :)